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Procedure for voting
Articles from the Electoral Code for Procedure for voting
Article 63. Commencement and procedure for voting
4. Military servicemen, officers serving in national security service and police troops shall enter the polling station not in a marching order and without arms and ammunition. In cases where the smooth process of the election is under threat, only police officers, authorised by the chairperson of the precinct electoral commission, may enter the polling station with arms.
5. Proxies, observers (as for local observers, only through qualification certificates on involvement in the electoral commission or carrying out an observation mission), mass media representatives and members of superior electoral commissions may be present at the polling station apart from the members of the electoral commission and the voters. The candidate may be present at the polling station only for the purpose of participating in voting.
6. No more than 15 voters may simultaneously be present in the voting room. For the purpose of ensuring the smooth voting process, the chairperson of the precinct electoral commission shall be entitled to admit electors to the voting room one by one. In case of impossibility to ensure the implementation of this point by the electoral commission, it shall be ensured by the support of the Police, upon the request of the chairperson of the precinctelectoral commission.
Article 64. Registration of electors
1. Electors personally participate in voting; voting by proxy shall be prohibited. Each elector shall be registered in the list of electors held by the member of the electoral commission responsible for registration.
2. The member of the electoral commission, who is responsible for registration of electors shall check the elector’s identification, find his or her name in the list of electors, fill the details of the identification document in the blank column next to the name, and the elector shall sign next to the details, in the column intended for elector’s signature. The member of the electoral commission carrying out the registration shall put his or her individual seal in the relevant column, next to the signature of the elector. When the elector is not able to sign in the list of electors by himself or herself, he or she shall be entitled to seek help from other citizens, except from the members of the electoral commission.
Article 65. Voting
2. Immediately after being registered, the elector shall approach the commission member responsible for handing out ballot papers and ballot envelopes. The commission member shall tear the stub of the ballot paper (or ballot papers, if several elections are held simultaneously) and give the bottom part of the ballot paper to the elector, together with the ballot envelope. The elector shall proceed to the voting booth to cast a vote.
Article 66. Procedure for filling in the ballot paper and sealing the ballot envelope
3. After marking the ballot paper, the elector shall fold the ballot paper while in the voting booth, put it in the ballot envelope, and approach tothe ballot box. In case where several polls are taking place simultaneously, the elector shall put each ballot paper in the appropriate ballot envelope.
4. The member of the commission responsible for putting a seal on the ballot envelope and for the ballot box shall seal the ballot envelope and allow the elector to drop the ballot envelope into the ballot box only after checking the absence of a stamp seal in the elector’s identification document pertaining to participation in the given elections, and in case no such stamp is present, only after putting such stamp seal on the elector’s identificationdocument. When the elector’s identification document already contains a stamp seal confirming the participation of the elector in the current elections, the commission member shall inform, through the chairperson of the commission, the police officers on duty about the attempt to commit a crime, shall remove the ballot paper from the ballot envelope, return the envelope to the commission member handing out ballot papers and ballotenvelopes, and attaching any stub to the ballot paper, shall immediately cancel the ballot as prescribed by the Central Electoral Commission. At his or her own initiative or at the request of another commission member or the proxy, the commission member responsible for sealing ballot envelopes and for the ballot box may verify (submit to another commission member or a proxy) the identification document of the elector. The commission member, who is responsible for sealing the ballot envelopes and for the ballot box, shall stamp the ballot envelope, open the ballot box slot and enable the elector to drop the ballot envelope into the ballot box. The ballot envelope shall be sealed by the seal of the precinct electoral commission. At the entire voting process, this seal shall remain near the ballot box in a place visible forall.
5. For the purpose of putting a stamp seal on identification documents, precinct electoral commissions shall be provided with a substance which remains for at least 12 hours after stamping, and then disappears.
6. If the commission member or the proxy finds that cases of violations of voting procedures have taken place during the voting process as stipulated by this Code, he or she has the right to require for his or her opinion to be recorded in the register.
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