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Analysis of Voting Results
Analysis » Analysis of Voting Results
Election numbers must conform to one another. Obviously, the discrepancy between election figures show that in the polling station there was a deviation from the laws. The fact of discrepancies between the election numbers proving to falsification of elections, often considered as technical error as not influenced to result of election, and that in this case, the vote and their results are forged to be ignored.
Article 125. Summarisation of results of elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system
9. Where in the course of voting, such violations of this Code have occurred that couldhave affected the election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on holding a revote in certain electoral precincts, if thereby it is possible to remedy the consequences of those violations. If it is not possible to remedy thereby those violations, elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system shall be declared invalid, and a revote for the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system shall be called.
10. Where in the course of preparation of elections or in the course of holding a revote incertain electoral precincts, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affected the election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on declaring invalid the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system, and shall call a revote for the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system.
Article 125. Summarisation of results of elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system
9. Where in the course of voting, such violations of this Code have occurred that couldhave affected the election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on holding a revote in certain electoral precincts, if thereby it is possible to remedy the consequences of those violations. If it is not possible to remedy thereby those violations, elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system shall be declared invalid, and a revote for the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system shall be called.
10. Where in the course of preparation of elections or in the course of holding a revote incertain electoral precincts, such violations of this Code have occurred that could have affected the election results, the Central Electoral Commission shall take a decision on declaring invalid the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system, and shall call a revote for the elections to the National Assembly under the proportional electoral system.
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